Mental Skills with a Purpose
When athletes are looking for ways to enhance their performance, they will look for ways to bridge the gap between their current performance level and their potential. When you work with Couture Peak Performance, you will learn mental skills to bridge that gap, compete at a high level consistently, and continue to improve. Scientifically-based, practical methods will help each athlete prepare in a quality manner, follow-through during competition, and accurately evaluate performances.
Dave Turgeon (former professional player in US, Mexico, and Asia, former manager within Cleveland and Pittsburgh systems, former College coach at Boston College, Duke, UConn, and VaTech, current Head Coach for USA Baseball and IMG Academy) "If you told me that baseball is 1 percent MENTAL and 99 percent PHYSICAL, I would tell you that 1 percent controls the 99 percent. I also know that the mental side is a muscle that requires practice in order to build it stronger. Players that have the ability to move onto the next pitch or play and be present will always perform with consistency."